Tin Containing Telescope, Tripod, Compass etc.
Tin Containing Telescope, Tripod, Compass etc.
An officer's tin cased set of instruments that include a telescope, tripod, spare lens, compass and pocket sextant.
Although the instruments are made by different manufacturers, they are all, bar the sextant, dated to 1903 and stamped with a broad arrow mark to show that they were army issue. The sextant has no marks other than the maker. It is unusual to find such a complete set with the contents original to each other. They are a tight fit to the tin with a set way to pack them.
The three draw brass telescope is by 'Troughton & Simms, London', and also marked '1903 No. 663. Tel. Sig. (Mk. II) Also G.S.' with a broad arrow. It has a leather grip and shade as well as leather end caps which belt strap to each other. The maker's company was formed in 1826 and by the end of the 19th century had 200 employees. Military production was an important part of their business with a number of international customers. The spare lens has its own leather case but looks to be an old replacement as it is too small for the case.
The mahogany and brass tripod is stamped 'W. Watson & Sons 1903, 144 Stand. Tel. Sig. (Mk. II)'. Low Spotting Tripods are not easy to find. It has brass fittings and feet and a belt strap to bind the legs when packed. William Watson started the company in 1837 as optical instrument makers. The name changed to W. Watson & Sons in 1887.
The brass prismatic compass is stamped 'Elliott Bros. London 1903 No. 1353' and has two broad arrow marks to show that it was decommissioned. The compass has a hanging loop and a leather case with belt loop. The company are also famous amongst scientific instrument makers and were started in 1817 by William Elliott. The name changed to Elliott Brothers in 1854 and their main address was 56 Strand. By the time this compass was made they had long since moved 101 St. Martins Lane.
The brass pocket sextant is only marked 'Stanley. London' and the design is instantly recognizable as theirs. It also has it's own leather case with a belt strap to fix it. William Ford Stanley founded the company in 1854 making mathematical instruments and drafting tools. He soon expanded to include optical instruments.
The japanned tin case is hinged on the top so that two thirds of it will open. It has a wire slide lock and carry handle. The case is the exact size to take all the components of this set and we are fortunate that it is complete. Most are not. The instruments in this set would be very useful to an officer in the field and are still usable today. Dated 1903.
Case size is given.
Dated 1903.
Brass, Leather, Tin
Troughton & Simms, London 'W. Watson & Sons 1903, 144 Stand. Tel. Sig. (Mk. II) 'Elliott Bros. London 1903 No. 1353 Stanley. London