Tent Pole Strap for Rifles
Tent Pole Strap for Rifles
Much like a Securem Strap with hooks, this leather Tent Pole Strap is made to help with storage in a tent.
It laces tight to the tent pole and is lined in a dark red rubber for a better grip. The brass loops are moveable so that they can be fitted over the barrel of a rifle or carbine to hold it upright with the butt resting on the ground. The Army and Navy CSL sold this Securem Rifle Strap in 2 sizes: for 8 rifles sold at 2/5 or 12 at 2/7. This version has 8 loops and they are numbered above so that the owner can easily identify their weapon. Below the loops, the leather has a worn Securem stamp to one side and Patent to the middle. As the A&N CSL noted The strap will also be found useful as a stick or pipe rack in tent.
The Securem strap for rifles is far rarer than the strap with hooks. Circa 1900.
Fully extended size is given.
Circa 1900.
Leather & Brass