Mechi & Bazin

1859 - 1899
John Joseph Mechi, a writing desk and dressing case maker of 130 Leadenhall Street, is first noted in the London Trade Directory of 1829. By 1840 he is also described as a cutler, bagatelle and magicstrop manufacturer and his address changed to 4 Leadenhall Street. Mechi showed his wares at the 1851 Great Exhibition and again in 1862.
Bazin was Mechi's manager but became a partner in 1859. By 1880 the company were at 48 Glasshouse St. on the corner of Regent Street. Later they moved to 112 Regent Street. It is probable that the firm ceased to exist by 1899 as they are not listed in the London Directory of that year. This gives a maximum 40 year time span for Mechi & Bazin from 1859 to 1899.
Mechi & Bazin were good quality makers and used the best materials such as Bramah locks and Berry Patent inkwells.
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