J & W Lowdnes

1790 - 1850
Lowndes described themselves as having a Military and Camp Equipage Warehouse, selling canteens, trunks etc. for wholesale, retail and for exportation. They also performed funerals, which wasn't uncommon for cabinet makers.
The trade directories of the period list two companies, J & W Lowndes at 18 Haymarket and W & J Lowndes & Co. at 7 Watling Street.
The initials in both companies are for James and William and it is probable that they are one in the same. J & W are first noted in 1790 and are always listed under trunk makers and bed and mattress makers at 18 Haymarket. W & J are listed in 1815 as muslin manufactures at 35 Foster Lane, Cheapside and then later as warehousemen at 7 Watling Street. As both businesses seem to have ended around 1850 it is probable that it was all one business. I.J. Lowndes, presumably another family member, is also noted on their letterhead as supplying saddlery and harness. .