Edward Argles

1795 - 1813
Argles started as a cabinet maker in Maidstone, first with his father Thomas and then in his own right from 1795.
On the 29th of May 1810 he advertised the sale of his premises noting that he had taken Dr. Butler's business in Catherine Street. The brass inset plague to the front of the seat notes 'Argles late Butlers Patent, 13 & 14 Catherine Street'. Despite supplying the Prince of Wales with 'very elegant Royal Library Writing Tables' made in rosewood and banded in satinwood Argles did not make a success of the business and was declared bankrupt in June 1813. Butler took the opportunity to re-establish his business at 13 & 14 Catherine Street, much to the consternation of Morgan & Sanders his former employees and neighbours. Given Argles short time span at Catherine Street, his campaign furniture can be considered rare.
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