Peal & Co.

1791 - 1965
The company was founded in 1791 by shoe maker Samuel Peal in Wirksworth, Derbyshire.
He moved to Stepney Green, London and established his reputation by patenting an Indian rubber solution that waterproofed clothing materials. His footwear soon became known for being comfortable and long lasting. The company quickly grew, moving to smarter premises at 7 Frederick Street off Tottenham Court Road and then to 11 Duke Street in 1830, 487 Oxford Street in 1886 and finally 48 Wigmore Street in 1958.
The company remained in the family's hands through 6 generations. They promoted their business by going to their customers, taking their wares to numerous horse trials and exhibitions. From the late 19th century they also sent their salesman all over the world to garner orders. The list of celebrity clients, from movie stars and writers to royalty and politicians, from both sides of the Atlantic, Europe and the Far East is very long and shows the height of Peal's reputation.
Leather Boot Trunks also bearing the company's mark are also known.
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