Orlando Norie

1832 - 1901
Although a little older, Orlando Norie was a contemporary of Richard Simkin and the 2 artist were probably the most prolific painters of military subjects by the end of the 19th century. Of Scottish ancestry Norie, was born in Bruges but spent a number of years working in Dunkirk painting for the firm of Rudolf Ackermann. He gained early recognition for his Crimean War paintings of a number of the famous battles such as Alma, Inkerman and Balaclava which Ackerman then sold as prints. He was highly regarded by the company and this was probably borne out by the sales of his prints.
Besides exhibiting through the Ackerman, he also showed at the Royal Academy and the New Watercolour Society between 1876 and 1889. In the 1870s he kept a studio at Aldershot so that he could study his subjects first-hand. He was a hard-working artist (it is believed he painted in excess of 5000 military pictures) and is as popular with collectors today as when his pictures were first painted.