James Platt

James Platt & Co. were in business at least as far back as 1852 and based at 78 St. Martin's Lane.
However, their main business was as woollen drapers as opposed to makers of travel equipment. By 1865 they also had premises at 28 & 29 Cranbourn street and by 1880 had added the property next door at 77 St. Martin's Lane. In 1912 Alfred Brown & Sons are listed at 77 & 78 with no record of Platt in the trade directories. The Army & Navy CSL were patrons of Platts and advertised his hanging boot rack along with a free standing version in their 1907 catalogue. The rack seems a curious diversion from Platt's normal business of woollen drapers but this is a good design and practical for the Victorian traveller.
The Patent number stamped on the hanging rack is No. 2584. They were sold in oak, walnut and mahogany and either 2 foot or 3 foot in length. They also made a free standing version. The design was patented by MacDonald and their name is often noted on the racks alongside Platt. Platt manufactured several designs patented by others all centred on the efficient hanging or storage of clothing including Stone's Patent Trouser Rack.