James Hicks

1809 - 1937
James Hicks described himself as a Manufacturer of Portable Writing Desks on his label, who also made Dressing Cases, Work Boxes and Tea Chests etc. He also offered an engraving and printing service as well as cutlery and stationery.
Hicks is known to have also produced writing slopes that were combined with a watercolour box, one of which was purchased by Major General George William Ramsay in 1811 as a gift for George Antoine Ramsay. A Vizagapatam inlaid sandalwood box with a label for James Hicks is also known suggesting that he retailed more exotic, imported boxes as well as his own work.
His label gives the address of 26 Wigmore Street, Cavendish Square, London. His shop was on the corner with Wimpole Street and well positioned in a good part of London. The trade directories list him as a Portable Writing Desk manufacturer and show that he was active from 1809 to 1837.
Hicks is perhaps one of the lesser known makers of boxes but his work was of good quality.
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