James Craig & Co.

James Craig was married in 1841 to Margaret Sutherland and three years later they had a son also named James. The company is listed under the title of James Craig & Co. as Saddlers at the label's address at least by 1845 but it is probable the James Craig was in business before this date either in his own right or working for another saddler. From 1861 to 1882, the directories simply list the business as James Craig, Saddler with the & Co. added again after this. For a short period from around 1867 they were also listed at 41 School Hill, which was on the opposite side of the street. By 1876 they had reverted to just 38 School Hill. The change in name maybe simply be down to the compiler of the directory or it may reflect a change in the business, as with the additional address. It may have been connected to James junior's involvement in the company. The Craigs continued as saddlers well into the 20th century with Alex Craig listed as a saddler at 53 and 55 School Hill in 1929.
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