
Frederick Austin Gilham is thought to have started his business around 1830 and was located at 9 Beer Cart Lane, Canterbury. He is listed in the directories as an auctioneer, cabinet maker and upholsterer and moved premises to 9 St. Margaret Street in 1853. He had 3 sons, Stephen, William and Alfred John Gilham who was the eldest (born 1838) and the only one who appears to have joined his father's business. Both father and son had listings in Kelly's Directory of 1882 at 9 St. Margaret Street. Frederick's states that he was a manufacturer of all kinds of cabinet & upholstery ware whilst Alfred is noted as an auctioneer, appraiser, house & estate agent. Frederick died in 1882 and from then on only Alfred is listed. A domestic kneehole desk is known with the engraving plate of A.J. Gilham, Manufacturer, Canterbury. Barley twist candle stands and sticks are also known by Gilham. The presence of initials draws a distinction between the father and son.
Gilham was a general cabinet maker who made campaign chests, as can be seen from the images. The unusual short drawer with internal 'linen press' drawers is a feature known to the maker and has been seen on another chest by him. This feature perhaps comes from the fact that he wasn't a specialist maker of campaign furniture working to set, proven designs.
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