Bradley Barnard

1870 - 1880
Bradly Barnard's address was St. Paul's Road, Cannonbury. Middlesex.
Research has led to little available information on Barnard but we do know he also took out patents in 1870 and 1874 for infant's folding beds and telescopic tables and reading desks respectively. He was quite active in protecting his designs not only by paying for patent applications but also ensuring they were noted in the London Gazette.
The table listed below is clever in its simplicity. The legs and column are all one part and fold easily. Barnard also considered how to reduce the packed size of the top. Whereas other table tops would only fold in half, this folds into a quarter of the overall size. He only seems to have been active over a ten year period with no mention of him in the 1880 Trade Directory.
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